KJ's Educational Institutes
Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune
( Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Govt. of Maharashtra & affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, DTE Code : EN6634)
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade

The cell takes care of the grievances of girl students and female staff members related to gender discrimination, violence and sexual harassment on the campus. It is dedicated to create an environment on the campus where every female feels safe.
- To prevent sexual harassment and to promote the general well‐being of female students, teaching and non teaching women staff of the college.
- To provide appropriate working conditions in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene to further ensure that there is no hostile environment towards women in college.
- To provide guidelines for the addressal of grievances related to sexual harassment of female students, teaching and non teaching women staff of the college.
- To create awareness amongst students about the problems faced by women due to gender issues.
Women Anti-sexual Harassment Committee Members
- Dr. Rupesh J. Patil (Chairman: Principal)
- Mrs. Kranti Patil (Coordinator: E&TC)
- Dr. S S Deshmukh (Member: Civil)
- Mr. Sunil Kapure (Member: Engg. Sci.)
- Mr. Bharat Devare (Member: Computer)
- Mrs. Deepali A. Bhusari (Member: MCA)
- Dr. A. H. Karle (Member: Mechanical)
- Ms. Ketaki Jadhav (Member: IT)