KJ's Educational Institutes

Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune

( Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Govt. of Maharashtra & affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, DTE Code : EN6634)

Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade

Aim of Gender Equality Committee

Aim of the committee is to view that everyone should receive equal treatment in college and not be discriminated against based on their gender.

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Objectives of Gender Equality Committee

  1. To foster gender equality in all aspects of College life and throughout the College community
  2. To take active steps to establish good gender balance in decision-making processes in all areas of the College’s activities.
  3. To support women,girls in the realization of their full human rights and to work equally with men for holistic development.
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Gender Equality Committee
  1. Dr. Rupesh J. Patil (Chairman)
  2. Mr. M. B Gulame ( Coorinator: E&TC)
  3. Ms. A. Shahbad (Member: Comp)
  4. Mr. S.C.Tandale (Member: Civil)
  5. Mr. A.C. Shaikh (Member: Mechanical)
  6. Ms. G. Deshmukh (Member: Engg Science)
Student Coordinators
  1. Ms.Hakim Karisma (E&TC)
  2. Mr. Ashok Kumar (Mechanical)

“Womens Day Celebration 8th March 2019“

Talk on Different Topics “Gender Based Violence” , “Woman Empowerment “
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tree blood blood
Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan-2021
Gender Equality Report 2021
Activity Report Women's Day Celebration 2020
Gender Equality All Activity Report 2019